Starting point: Alexanderhütte
End point: Garnet Gate
Length: 6,4 km
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Level of difficulty: medium
Newly enamored lovers, couples and hiking enthusiasts are drawn to the Millstätter Alpe high above Lake Millstatt this summer. Up there, nearby Alexander lodge, the “Way of Love. Sentiero dell‘ Amore“ begins. This is indicated by the steel plate that lovers write their thoughts down on. Starting your hiking tour from here will offer you three inspiring hours and seven places that facilitate sensuous meetings and encounters with people and nature, which invite you to rest for a moment. Seven books, one at each stop, accompany hikers who try to learn more about human relationships and the emotions they entail. „What is love?” and “what feeds it?” are only two of the questions they will be confronted with. Quotes, poems, and stories will help finding the answers. At the final seventh stop, the Garnet Gate - a gateway filled with tons of garnets - will allow the hikers to take a look at their future together to complete the tour.