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"Reinankenwirte" ...

... imperial and Royal Court Fishers of Lake Millstätter See

Net-fishing at Lake Millstätter See
Net-fishing with fisherman Peter Sichrowsky

Net-fishing at Lake Millstätter See

For centuries already, the fishermen have been putting their boats out to Lake Millstatt early in the mornings. With the first rays of dawn crawling over the summits of cosmic mountain Mirnock and the last hazy mists wafting across the lake, they pull their nets mesh by mesh, fish by fish out of the glassy lake in front of them into their boats. Little has changed about this in all those years. Long ago the royal and imperial court fishers supplied the imperial court in Vienna and the Munich residence with fish.
By now, four of their descendants (the Aniwanter family who runs hotel Die Forelle, the Collaud family of Hotel Posthof, the Sichrowsky family of family hotel Post and the Brugger family who runs Seefischerei Brugger) have joined to form the “Reinanken Fishers - Imperial and Royal Court Fishers of Lake Millstatt”. For generations, they have been working on impressive lake fees and plan to jointly market their fish - most of all Reinanke (Coregonus) - in future.

  • Fangfrische Reinanken aus dem Millstätter See
  • Net-fishing mit Peter Sichrowsky at Lake Millstätter See

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