Date: Tuesday (14 July-18 August)
Starting point: Lammersdorfer Alm, 9872 Millstatt am See
Start time | Duration: 10 am | 3 hours
Price: Children with MIC free, adults € 15 and children € 9, family rate € 43, (2 adults and 2 or 3 childs until 14 year)
Included: snack, cheese tasting and a short hike
Booking: Until the previous day 12 am
Elisabeth Obweger
Phone: +43 650 972 1583
Which herbs grow on alpine meadows? Why do cows rest after eating? Where does all the water come from? How do goats live? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the course of the Alpine Meadow Experience, a day trip organised by the Obweger Family from Lammersdorfer
Hütte from mid-July to the end of August. Explore the life in the mountains and get an insight into the world of animals and plants on the Alpine pasture.
Family-Info: Children only attended by adults. Sturdy footwear and all-weather gear are required.