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Ensemble Porcia


Ensemble 2020
Ensemble im Innenhof
Ensemble in Farbe
Ensemble Porcia
Ensemble 2020
Ensemble im Innenhof
Ensemble in Farbe
Ensemble Porcia

Since 1960, the Renaissance castle Porcia, which is the heart of the city of Spittal an der Drau, has been a place of "light laughter" in summer, a place of comedies. In addition to the main venue, the courtyard of the castle, plays are also staged in the Salamanca Gallery, and the theatre van tours the whole of Carinthia from June to August. Under the artistic director Angelica Ladurner, they are returning to the original name Ensemble:Porcia, which the founding father Herbert Wochinz gave to this theatre. "Experience Europe's comedies", this motto of the founder has been taken up again out of conviction. Every summer, comedies from a European language culture are performed.

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